Dossier 5G // Franse parlementsleden stellen een ‘moratorium’ op de uitrol van 5G voor, onder vermelding van gezondheid en milieu.

11-03-2021 16:09

French MPs propose ‘moratorium’ on 5G rollout, citing health, environment

Three amendments proposing to have a “moratorium” on 5G deployment in France – first spotted by news websites Numerama and Next INpact – were tabled before the French National Assembly during its committee’s examination of the bill to combat climate change. EURACTIV France reports.


The frequencies dedicated to 5G networks should be “provisionally suspended” until “the results of the 5G evaluation on health and climate” are presented to parliament, according to the proposed amendments 587 and 746.


Ecology Generation MP Delphine Batho, as well as Ecology Democracy Solidarity MPs Cédric Villani and Matthieu Orphelin, were among the MPs who signed the proposals for amendments.


The group of MPs tabling the amendments reiterated the PT12.1 proposal of the Citizen’s Climate Convention – a panel representing French citizens on climate issues – and drew inspiration from recommendations made by the country’s High Climate Council in its “Controlling the carbon impact of 5G” report


French climate bill under fire

France’s ‘climate and resilience’ bill – due to be examined by the Council of Ministers on Wednesday (10 February) – has already come under fire, particularly after a report published on Monday denounced tactics used by the industry to torpedo proposals made by the Citizen’s Climate Convention (CCC). EURACTIV France reports.


Amendment 4539, goes further and proposes to decree a “moratorium on the deployment of the 5G network on French territory” which could only be lifted if approved by the “French population, resulting from a national consultation conducted throughout France for at least one year”.


The MPs who already signed the proposal, including 17 MPs of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s far-left France Insoumise party, would prefer to focus on the “13 million French people affected by ‘e-illiteracy”, the lack of knowledge needed to make good use of the new technologies.


They also argued that “for each of the uses of 5G mentioned, other technologies already exist and are sufficient”, such as 4G or Wi-Fi.


It seems unlikely that these amendments will ultimately be voted on due to the lack of support from President Emmanuel Macron’s La République en Marche, which boasts a 269-member majority in parliament. However, the special commission in charge of the bill is expected to have prepared the text by 19 March.


In parallel, the Paris city council is due to approve a new mobile phone charter and the creation of a Paris Observatory this week, which should approve the deployment of 5G across the French capital.


Paris soon to deploy 5G services as city signs charter with network operators

A new Parisian mobile phone charter will be submitted to the Paris city council at the start of March, which should approve the deployment of 5G across the French capital. EURACTIV France reports.


Bron : Euractiv.Com

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