Elke computer gekoppeld aan internet is een risico. Bij zaken die er toedoen zoals o.a. verkiezingen geen internet-toepassingen. Minister Plassterk begrijpt het. Nu Rechtspraak.NL nog !

01-02-2017 16:48

Mede van belang is ook onderstaande verklaring van de Europese Commissie van 27 januari 2017. European Commission - StatementTaking data protection into a digital and globalised era: Joint Statement by Vice-President Ansip and Commissioner Jourová ahead of the 2017 Data Protection day

Brussels, 27 January 2017 . "Tomorrow, 28 January marks European Data Protection Day. Personal data protection is a fundamental right in the European Union; it is part of the European DNA and deserves the highest protection standards.

2016 was a historical year for data protection in the EU. We agreed on a data protection reform that will help stimulate the Digital Single Market in the EU by fostering consumer trust in online services and by providing legal certainty for businesses based on clear and uniform rules. We are now working to ensure that the rules work in practice.

Strong data protection rules are the basis for the Digital Single Market to prosper. They are the foundations on which we can ensure the free flow of data across borders. Where people trust that their personal data is protected, they are more likely to use services and new technologies. Just two weeks ago, the Commission proposed revised legislation to better ensure a high level of privacy in electronic communications. The updated ePrivacy rules protect consumers' communications content and metadata regardless of the services used, while opening up new opportunities for business. We now call on the European Parliament and the Council to ensure smooth adoption of our proposal.

The digital economy is global, and when Europeans' personal data are transferred abroad, the protection travels with it. In August last year, we launched the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield to better protect personal data transferred across the Atlantic, while ensuring legal certainty for businesses. Now, over 1700 companies have signed up to the Privacy Shield, with 700 further applications in the pipeline. We will continue to promote our data protection values at international level. This is why we will actively engage with key partners, such as Japan and South Korea, to reach adequacy decisions.

As criminals know no borders, also data exchanges between police and judicial authorities across Europe and with our international partners must be underpinned by strong data protection standards. Inside the EU, the new Police Directive will facilitate exchanges to prevent cross-border crime and guarantee that personal data is protected. At the international level, the EU-U.S. Umbrella Agreement that will enter into force on 1 February 2017 will guarantee a high level of protection for EU citizens' personal data when transferred to U.S. judicial and police authorities. All EU citizens will also have the right to enforce their data protection rights in U.S. courts.

In 2017, we will build on the important achievements to ensure that citizens and businesses benefit from strong and clear data protection rules. We want to make the EU data protection standard a global standard."

Bron: https://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-17-154_en.htm



Opm. EMLS:  Na de Amerikaanse verkiezingen is het de vraag of de aanbeveling gewijzigd dient te worden !? 




Utrecht / Haaksbergen, 1 februari 2017