Towards a digital ethics.

25-01-2018 17:05

Voorwoord. When I first espoused ethics three years ago, while the legislative procedure for theadoption of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation was still underway, it is fairto say my initiative raised a few eyebrows.Today, ethics and data protection are intertwined like never before and I observean ever closer convergence between the two. Many issues related to ethics involvepersonal data; data protection authorities now face ethical questions that legal analysis alone cannot address.Ethics and the law each have an important role in our societies. Convergence allows usto put the human being, their experience and dignity at the centre of our deliberations.This report by the members of the EDPS’s Ethics Advisory Group engages thoughtfullywith this question. The report presents the main shifts provoked by the digitalrevolution and the impact they have on the values we hold dear.I am grateful to the group for helping to advance this still young debate on digitalethics. The EDPS will continue, over the coming months and through the 40th editionof the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissionerswhich we host in October, to consider more deeply and widely how we can maketechnology work in the interests of the dignity of the human being


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